(WOM)Word of Mouth Marketing strategy is refers to the enterprise in the investigation of the market demand situation, need to provide products and services for consumers, and formulate certain reputation promotion plan, let the consumer to broadcast a good products and services automatic , so that people understand the products, through word of mouth brand, strengthen market awareness, and finally achieve the enterprise product sales the purpose of providing services.
WOM refers to the public’s understanding, attitude, evaluation and communication between the public groups and the products related to a certain enterprise or enterprise. The content of the word of mouth consists of three levels, first of all, the experience layer, that is, the public’s understanding, attitude and evaluation of the related information of the enterprise or organization. The second is the communication layer, that is, the communication materials, such as cases, legends, opinions and so on in the process of communication. Finally, the public’s recognition level, that is, is good or bad. A good word of mouth is based on the quality, service, environment, etc. of the product, which gives the user a good use of the experience.
Word of mouth marketing is the enterprise consciously or unconsciously generation, production and publishing of word of mouth theme, and with certain ways and measures of word of mouth communication, to meet customer demand, commodity trading, won the customer satisfaction and loyalty, improve enterprise and brand image for the purpose, and carry out the plan, organization, implementation, control and management process. Compared with other traditional marketing methods, such as “users tell users”, it has the characteristics of small cost, high output, high efficiency and low risk.
Empirical word of mouth marketing
Empirical WOM is the most common and powerful form, which usually accounts for 50% to 80% of the WOM activity in any given product category. It comes from the consumer’s direct experience of a product or service, to a large extent, when experience deviates from the expectations of the consumer.
When the product or service meets the expectations of the consumer, they rarely complain or praise a certain enterprise. Empirical WOM is divided into 2 kinds: positive and negative, which will have adverse effects on brand perception and ultimately affect brand value, thereby reducing audience’s acceptance of traditional marketing activities and damaging the effect of positive WOM from other sources. In turn, a positive reputation will make the product or service under full sail downwind.
Secondary word of mouth marketing
Marketing activities will also lead to the spread of WOM. The most common is what is called secondary word of mouth: the WOM formed when consumers directly feel the information transmitted by the traditional marketing activities or the brand advertised. The impact of these messages on consumers is usually more direct than advertising, because the coverage and influence of positive word of mouth marketing activities are relatively greater. When deciding what kind of information and media portfolio can produce the greatest return on investment, the marketer needs to consider the direct effect of word of mouth and the effect of transmission.
A conscious word of mouth marketing
Unlike the first two forms of WOM, another common WOM is conscious word of mouth, such as marketers, who can use celebrity endorsements to create a positive atmosphere for the launch of products. The investment of consciousness word of mouth marketing is few, part of the reason is that the effect is difficult to measure, many marketers not sure whether they can successfully carry out conscious word of mouth marketing activities.
For these three forms of word of mouth marketing, the marketers need to understand and measure their impact and financial results in a proper way from the two aspects of the positive and negative aspects. The value of calculation begins with a count of the number of recommendations and dissuade times of a product. This method has some attractive and relatively simple, but there is also a big challenge: it’s difficult for marketers to explain the difference of the effect between the two different types. Obviously, for consumers, the possibility of buying a product by the family’s recommendation is significantly higher than the recommendation of a stranger. These two recommendations may convey the same information, and their influence on the recipient is not the same. In fact, the high impact recommendation, the related information conveyed by the trusted friends, leads to many times the possibility of buying behavior, which is also a lot of low impact recommendation. It also illustrates the importance of the company’s better use of the word of mouth marketing from another aspect.
About AI Digital:
AI Digital is an award winning China digital marketing agency based in Shanghai and Sydney.Working across all aspects of the marketing solutions like Baidu SEM,Wechat marketing,Weibo marketing,Soft marketing , China PPC and so on, we will ensure you have a solid marketing strategy together with perfectly delivered campaigns. AI Digital will transform your digital marketing in China to increase your lead generation, brand awareness and market engagement.